


Titelbild VOL. 7/8

Margarete Maurer & Barbara Smetschka

Gender & Womens Studies & Womens Movement Worldwide

Documentation / Bibliography, Part 7/8

(Frauenforschung International, Teil 7/8)

912 pages, maps, index, ISBN 3-901229-08-6

This comprehensive volume comprises extensive information for everybody working in the field/s of gender & womens studies and/or development. It covers among other topics especially the following (more see below):

This volume 7/8 enlists general BIBLIOGRAPHIES and didactic titles and offers a useful CATALOGUE OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS.

The book gives you a comprehensive list of the ADDRESSES of journals, newsletters, experts, women's initiatives, working groups, organisations, and archives.

It encludes resources in the internet, e.g. World Wide Web (WWW).

So the volume represents an important resource for you when you want to connect yourself to others, or when you are looking for experts, literature or audiovisual media.

The concept of "development" (or "Third" World) here does not only designate the situation and options of women in the developing world and in the former "socialist" countries - especially in modern Central & Eastern European countries -, but is extended to the situation of underprivileged women in western industrialised countries such as exiled women, "guest" workers, foreign and minority women and women in European "fringe" areas (country-women).

In its bibliographic chapters, the documentation is structured by regional & systematic categories. Keywords refering to the texts, review-articles, location of books and distribution addresses are frequently added.

Both the bibliographic chapters as the chapters which represent a directory contain many cross references. This - together with an author-index and a media-index - facilitate searching for particular items. Several maps give you the necessary geographic orientation.

912 pages, maps, author-index, list of libraries and databases; ISBN 3-901229-08-6
Price: USD 75,- or DM 128,- or ATS 896,- plus mailing expenditure (no value added tax).
It is possible to pay with Visa card

Online-form to order via fax or mail

------------------- A MUST for every special library! -------------------

Also available:
Part 4 about AFRICA
Part 5/6 about AMERICA
and Part 7/8 with bibliographies, DIRECTORIES of womens organizations, journals & newsletters worldwide, and a list of audiovisual MEDIA on Women & Development.

Please note: All the four volumes contain a very large number of references in English (and in some other languages) so that you do not need to know the publishers language (German) or understand the German title ("Frauenforschung International").



Our institute (RLI) and association (ViF) - a non profit-NGO - exists since 1990/1991.
Our aim is to support womens activities and gender studies, especially in respect to women/gender & development, including ecology, science & technology.

See more in our -> German HomePage: http://iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/~rli

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