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Who are we? We are women interested in a science that takes the experiences of women in society seriously, be it at the work-place or in science, politics or cultural life. We seek to develop research in interest of women and actively resist the hitherto elimination and suppression of Women's expression in the sciences as well as the lack of concrete attention to our interests. In general, we promote research by and for women, without necessarily having to be scientists. We value constructive cooperation between women scientists, artists, journalists and all other interested women.
We seek the development of natural/ technological sciences and medicine conducive to the needs of children, women and nature (i. e. human) with a technology that is socially and ecologically viable. We want to contribute to the elimination of both sexism, racism as well as discrimination against women in society and in science. We seek to promote science, research and educational work where a feminist perspective and interdisciplinary approach are imperative. We also aid women in their professional, political, feminist and ecological activities and initiatives.
An Interdisciplinary Women's Studies Institute - Rosa Luxemburg Institute (RLI)
Through the creation of an interdisciplinary research institute we hope to be able to produce theoretical and empirical contributions serving Women's interests, strengthen information networks, offer advisory services, write evaluations on definite questions, offer suggestions on women experts and consultants, influence the public opinion in politics and work in general in a practice-oriented way. That is why we find it important to network with initiatives with similar orientations. The interdisciplinary institute wishes to function as a coordination centre to enhance the cooperation between feminist-oriented theorists and practitioners working in different spheres. We strive towards cooperation at the local, regional, national and international level.
We organise special activities in the form of working groups which are created around a definite topic or serve for the planning and implementation of a fixed purpose. Other working groups may focus on public activities either by taking public stands or publishing articles on definite issues or prepare and organise exihibitions. We have already successfully organised working groups about "Mileva Maric´", the first wife of Albert Einstein, and her contribution to the special theory of relativity (see our article in the journal "Wechselwirkung"). The working group "Women, Ecology and Development" focussed on the subject "water", another on "Genetic Engineering". One of us prepared a comprehensive bibliography on women´s studies in science, technology, and medicine (published 1993 in Vienna). In 1994 we participated in the planning and organising of a symposium on the politics of the World Bank and IMF. on occasion of the UN Forth World Conference on Women 1995 in Beijing there was also successfully organized a presentation about women´s studies in China. The results were documented by the RLI-publishing house. Another working group of women artists and scientists on the subject "time" worked about a year. New working groups can be created anytime.
Meetings, Seminars, Symposiums and Conferences
For the purpose of exchange of ideas and the development of viable perspectives in our work and in specific topics, we plan and organise meetings, seminars and conferences. Members of our association were also involved along with "Anakonga" and the VHS Ottakring in the organisation of the First Austrian Congress of Women in Science, Technology, Medicine and Craft in November 1993.
Advice, Coordination, Services and Archive
We advise women's groups on the operationalisation of activities in feminist discouse focussed on the areas of (1) natural science/ technology/ medicine, (2) the "Third Word" in western countries as well as in the developing world and (3) in other areas of women's studies. We facilitate contact to experts and access to feminist literature and material. - We promote the networking of Women's projects with each other and help women in their professional, political (or rather) feminist and ecological activities. Our members can seek our advice on the planning and implementation of working groups and lectures. We try to create jobs for women in our fields of work. - We have two private achives and libraries on "Women's studies in science and technology" and "Women and Development".
Publications and publishing-house
Our publication house publishes books and volumes: 1) the series "Arbeitspapiere aus dem RLI", (Research reports, working papers, and documentation about our symposia and conferences), 2) Practical aids series (e.g. Bibliographies, teaching aids) The publication of comprehensive bibliographies in the field of women's studies is a special contribution to the construction of these new fields of praxis and research, by the way of facilitating the access to the relevant literature.
Association for Interdisciplinary Research and Praxis - Regular Meetings and Newsletters
In order to give our work an organisational framework, the Association for Interdisciplinary Research and Praxis was founded in the spring of 1991. The general plenary sessions and the "jours fixe" of the association form the crystallization point for the planning of future activities, discussion of important issues and the creation of individual working and project groups. They also serve to facilitate an exchange of ideas between the individual members. Guests are heartily welcomed. The results of the meetings are recorded in minutes which are sent along with the newsletter to all the members and other interested people. Each member has the possibility to organize such meetings.
Every woman who supports the goals of the association can become a regular member. Men who likewise support our goals can become supportive members. Membership fees per year: for regular members ATS 250,- or DEM 35,- or CHF 31,-, for members with low incomes (students, unemployed) ATS 150,- or DEM 21,-; or CHF 19,-; for supportive members ATS 500,- or DEM 100,- or CHF 89,-. Banking accounts: a) in Austria: Account-No. 92010.871, P.S.K. Wien (BLZ 60 000), b) in Germany: PGA Frankfurt/M., Account-No. 4655 66-603 (BLZ 500 100 60).
Association for Interdisciplinary Research and Praxis: Post Box
12, A-1091 Wien, Austria/EUROPE
RLI, Julius-Tandler-Pl. 5/26, A-1090 Wien, Austria/Europe, Fax
(after 13 h MEZ): +43/1/3174929
E-mail: rli@frauen.at; WWW: ../welcome.html
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